Domestic Violence Attorneys
No one deserves to suffer the pain and abuse of domestic violence. Moreover, no one deserves to be falsely accused. Domestic violence attorneys provide experienced legal representation for victims and the accused. Indeed, there are hundreds of thousands of domestic violence cases filed in the United States. The judicial system takes domestic violence extremely seriously, and all accusations are required to be addressed and handled quickly. If you have been victimized by domestic violence, it is essential to use a domestic violence attorney to safeguard your rights and protect yourself. Or, if you have been falsely accused, you need to take steps to protect yourself from further accusations from the alleged victim. Regardless of your situation, a domestic violence lawyer can help you seek protection and work to prevent any additional harm.
Understanding Domestic Violence
While many people think domestic violence only involves violence between spouses, domestic violence is actually much broader. The law broadens it to cover one family or household member perpetrating violence on another family or household member. The violence may be in the form of:
- Assault
- Aggravated assault
- Battery
- Aggravated battery
- Stalking
- Aggravated stalking
- Sexual assault
- Kidnapping
- False imprisonment
- Any criminal offense
The umbrella term “family or household member” includes:
- Spouses
- Former spouses
- Persons related
- Persons related by marriage
- Persons who reside together as if they are a family
- Persons who have lived together as if a family in the past
- Persons who are common parents of a child regardless of their marital status

Domestic violence statutes are intended to protect not just for spouses, but all family members and cohabitants who may face violence or the threat of it in their homes.
Furthermore, domestic violence laws do not name a minimum number of offenses before the abuser can be charged and prosecuted. A single instance of abuse may be sufficient to provoke an injunction to protect someone against their abuser. If you have suffered at least one domestic abuse event, you should discuss your situation with a domestic violence attorney to protect yourself from future abuse.
The court system can order an “injunction” to prevent future acts of domestic violence. An injunction is a court mandate that stops domestic abusers from having any further contact with their victims. Once the court grants you an injunction, your abuser is legally prohibited from coming near your place of work, your car, your home, and any other places where you may be vulnerable to violence.
Examples of Domestic Violence Abuse
Physical abuse is not always a component of domestic violence charges. Many forms of non-physical violence exist that may result in legal action against the abuser. Some of these include:
- Threats
- Intimidation
- Stalking
- Excessive Phone Calls
- Social Abuse
- Verbal Abuse
If you or a loved one has suffered physical or non-physical abuse, you should seek the legal counsel of an experienced and knowledgeable family law attorney. Legal professionals who focus on domestic violence have an in-depth understanding of the dynamics and nuances is this area of the law and will make every effort to fight to keep you safe.